Monday, November 17, 2008

Financial Clowns

Housing Market Question....good morning to all, and here is the BIG question. If our former Fed Chairman and our present Fed Chairman are so fregging smart, and the big number gurus, then why back in the Clinton years "when they thought everyone should have a home" and came out with these great sub prime loans didn't Mr. Greenspan stand up and say "What are you guys thinking" this will lead to a huge disaster in the future. That also goes for the current Fed Chairman, he should have been standing on the table jumping up and down saying WHOA Big Fella.
Now the same thing applies to the Detroit Auto Makers...most of the political dip'os want to bail out an industry that has NEVER made a penny, and they have been doing it for 4 decades, what would make anyone think they can turn it around now...and by the way where is the list of concessions those union boys want to give up to make it work....think about this....GM, FORD, Chrysler...benefits per car cost...around 1600.00 (union) Toyota...under 300.00 non union, and do you see Toyota asking for a bail out...wake up America
Riegel's Rants

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